Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ukraine Captures two Russian GRU Soldiers

Ukrainian troops have arrested two Russian servicemen in the country's separatist eastern territories, a Ukrainian military spokesman said on Sunday, reporting further casualties in rebel attacks despite a three-month-old ceasefire deal.

Ukraine and NATO accuse Moscow of supporting pro-Russian separatists with troops and military supplies, a charge the Kremlin has repeatedly denied.

"Two Russian servicemen are under arrest - our investigators are working with them," spokesman Andriy Lysenko said in a briefing, without giving further details.

Three Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 17 wounded in the past 24 hours, he said. Two of the deaths were a result of a mortar attack near the town of Svitlodarsk, northeast of separatist-controlled Donetsk.

This was not a walk up and arrest them sort of situation.  They were VERY badly wounded in the process of the capture (pix here, but not safe for lunch).  They were picked up in Shchastya.  Note: this is on the Ukrainian side of the ceasefire line.  For those which don't know the Russian aphabet soup of agencies, this is the GRU.

If it were not for the fact this family of acronyms has been abused so badly already and often by folks I don't care for, I'd say Ukraine as a Ceasefire In Name Only.  The difference between now and before is while both sides have been pounding the crap out of each other, neither has launched an offensive to take ground.  Its just WW1 without the over the top mass attacks right now.    frex.

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