Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Airbus Unveils Adeline Launch System, Mimics ULA's Avionics & Propulsion Recovery Plans

Airbus Defence and Space has unveiled its concept for a reusable first stage launch vehicle to compete with SpaceX's reusable space launch system. The ADvanced Expendable Launcher with INnovative engine Economy (Adeline) would preserve the main engines and avionics of the company's next generation Ariane 6 and other launch vehicles, for use in later missions.

According to Airbus, the components contained in the Adeline re-entry module would account for around 70 to 80 percent of the total value of the launch vehicle. Therefore, if the ambitious concept were to become reality, it would represent a significant step towards creating a highly affordable and versatile launch solution. But more importantly, Adeline would help to solidify the company's position in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

The system, located at the base of a launch vehicle, is essentially a detachable, protective module, designed to act as the thrusters and guidance system for the main stage of an Airbus rocket. Having fulfilled its primary objective of liberating the upper stage of an Ariane launch vehicle from Earth's atmosphere, Adeline would return to Earth and readied to do it all again.

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