Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Endothiodon tolani: a new Endothiodont Dicynodont From Middle Permian Tanzania

A new endothiodont dicynodont (Therapsida, Anomodontia) from the Permian Ruhuhu Formation (Songea Group) of Tanzania and its feeding system


Cox et al


Cranial material of the dicynodont Endothiodon from the middle fossiliferous horizon of the Permian Ruhuhu Formation (Ruhuhu Basin, Tanzania) is described as a new species, E. tolani. Endothiodon tolani is distinguished from other Endothiodon species by the absence of a pineal boss and the presence of tusks in most specimens. Although some parts of the Ruhuhu Formation probably correlate with the Eodicynodon or Tapinocephalus assemblage zones of the South African Karoo Basin, it is uncertain whether E. tolani is older than E. bathystoma or E. mahalanobisi. There is less evidence for extensive anteroposterior translation of the mandible in E. tolani than in other dicynodonts. The jaw joint is specialized for allowing some medial-lateral motion. Mastication involved unilateral chewing. Flexure of the postdentary bones relative to the fused dentaries permitted the posterolaterally directed rows of teeth on one side of the skull and mandible to move past one another. The long tooth rows and prominent horn-covered ridges and grooves on the palate and mandible of Endothiodon are unique among dicynodonts. Comparisons with other taxa suggest that its feeding system may have been specialized for cutting three-dimensional objects such as stems or rhizomes. The dicynodont feeding system is very stereotyped throughout the clade's history, but Endothiodon escaped the constraints that affected other dicynodonts, allowing it to evolve a unique skull morphology. This evolutionary flexibility did not translate into high taxonomic richness (we recognize only three species of Endothiodon), but Endothiodon was able to achieve high levels of relative abundance in some basins.

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