Friday, June 19, 2015

Ukraine War Update: песок смещение?

First off, the fighting continued on the ground at Shirokyne, Pisky, Popasna and Maryinka.  For now, the fiercest is Maryinka.

Secondly, there are reports of another attempted rally in Donetsk by the residents demanding an end to the war.  If accurately reported, this time they were dispersed by the DNR using armed men.  The DNR leader, Zakharchenko, is planning on banning the demonstrations outright. Combined with the renewed complaints by Donnie Reb that the Donbass locals don't want to join their army and fight Kiev, one has to wonder if the sand is shifting under the feet of the Russian Bear. I would like to see more supporting sources. last time there was a lot of videos uploaded to youtube. The lack of the same would hint this was just rumor rather than fact.

One of the volunteer battalions, Tornado, is in the process of being shut down. The reason is they have been looting, smuggling and killed civilians (a mother and daughter). Sveral volunteer soldiers were arrested and the rest given the chance to disperse. There were, as of the time of this writing, 170 members of Tornado holed up in their base and refusing to surrender. The UAF has threatened to storm the base if they do not. The lawyer for the first arrested men claims his clients were tortured.

There are reports of a new Russian spy plane having flown along the Ukrainian border.

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