Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ukraine War Update: Повторный запуск Огонь для Лягушка??

Yesterday, a Russian aid convoy arrived in the Donetsk region.  The aid convoy came in two groups.  The Russian border officials inspected the interiors of the trucks.  The Ukrainians only inspected the exterior of the trucks.  If the previous patterns hold, 48 to 72 hours from yesterday, Donnie Reb will go on the offensive.

This ties in nicely with the leader (Zakharchenko) of the DNR stating if Ukraine does not surrender the rest of the Donetsk Oblast, the DNR will attack to take it.

A Donetsk resident made an interesting video:

He notes the firing artillery or launch of rockets and when they impact.  Ukrainians are claiming this is evidence of what they have been saying all along: the DNR is shelling its own territory to make the residents think the Ukrainians are hitting them.  Its not clear this is happening.  The distances between the DNR and UAF forces is rather short and it could be they are impacting the UAF only.

For the moment, fighting actually died down.  Not as much as the OSCE sees, but it significantly less.  Two possible exceptions are Maryinka and Shirokyne. 

I missed putting this video up from the large assault on Maryinka:

Look at 00:54.  Peekaboo!  I see you!

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