Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Кипячение лягушка (Ukrainian War Update): The Donnie Reb (DNR) Offensive Has Begun

It appears the proclamation from last night about the Ukrainians attacking I called right.  The Donnie Rebs (DNR) has launched an offensive.  How large remains to be seen.

Maryinka may have fallen to the DNR.  The DNR is claiming so at least.  There was at least a battalion of tanks in support of the DNR at Maryinka and a guessimated brigade of infantry. 

Krasnohorivka is being invaded.

Pesky is being very heavily shelled.

There are reports of the same going on at Volnovkha and, of course, Shirokyne.

There are rumors of battles elsewhere.  

The conventional wisdom has been Putin wasn't going make any further offensives and let Ukraine fall apart economically and politically.  Then he could scoop it up without having to be further condemned by the West.  

The conventional wisdom has been flat out wrong time and again about Ukraine.  Russians are not Westerners with a funny sounding language.  Putin does not want to work within the current international order.  He has said so.  Do not expect him accept a compromise which reinforces that order.

I sincerely hope to God that this offensive is just a blip, a stupid short thing which doesn't pan out.  However, based on the amount of equipment which has been moved in the DNR and LNR, this is not likely to be the case.  The summer fighting season is here.  So, too, seems to be the fight.

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