Monday, July 20, 2015

Ever Escalating: Catalonia Will Declare Unilateral Independence if Spain Balks

Catalan separatists said they were ready to declare unilateral independence if Madrid attempted to block a separation process they hope to launch if successful in September's regional elections.

Spain's conservative national government fiercely opposes independence for the rich northeastern region of Catalonia, which wants to follow Scotland's example by voting on its political future.

An alliance of pro-separatist parties want the regional vote to serve as a de facto referendum by running on a joint ticket, campaigning on the single issue of independence.

"If in this process, the Spanish state, through its political or legal decisions, blocks the autonomous government of Catalonia or the Catalan parliament, we will move forward with a declaration of independence," said Raul Romeva, a former MEP and key figure in the coalition, which brings together the centre-right CDC party and left-wing ERC.

"(We are) going for broke. We are betting everything on this, no turning back," he said at the presentation of the "Junts pel si" (Together for yes) list of candidates at the Museo de Historia de Catalunya.

The aim would be for a negotiating process to be concluded in 18 months, with institutions such as a taxation office set up.

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