Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tu-160M2 Production Significantly Delaying Russian PAK-DA Bomber

Russia's new-generation PAK DA bomber will be delayed past 2023 due to the development of the new-build Tupolev Tu-160M2 bomber, according to Russian deputy defence minister Yury Borisov.

"According to the plans, serial production of the [Tu-160] aircraft new version [the Tu-160M2] is to be implemented starting from 2023," Borisov said during a visit on 17 July to the Samara-based Kuznetsov Plant of the United Engine Corporation.

Answering a question about a possible shift in the PAK DA's timeframe because of the production of Tu-160M2s, Borisov said, "The PAK DA project will be somewhat shifted beyond [2023, when it is currently to begin entering service], otherwise there is no sense in it."

To me, this says the PAK-DA was proving harder than they thought, so they are rewarming  the Tu-160 and then have an excuse as to why the PAK-DA is delayed.

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