Thursday, August 27, 2015

John Connor: Say Hi to Boeing's 2 Kilowatt Anti Drone Laser

Hang on to your drone. Boeing’s developed a laser cannon specifically designed to turn unmanned aircraft into flaming wreckage.

The aerospace company’s new weapon system, which it publicly tested this week in a New Mexico industrial park, isn’t quite as cool as what you see in Star Wars—there’s no flying beams of light, no “pew! pew!” sound effects. But it is nonetheless a working laser cannon, and it will take your drone down.

You could mount that about anywhere.  You just need 2 kw (plus) of power for it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Considering one can get a 1500 W PSU for a high end gaming rig for only $250, and 2 kW server PSUs are easily available, powering the device shouldn't be too hard a thing for even the average consumer.

    Those poor poor drones.
