Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Ukraine War Update: Итоговый бис горячей лягушки?

There have been a number of developments in the war in Ukraine that warrant bringing to the everyone's attention.  Or at last my reader's attention.

The first and foremost development is the apparent failure of Minsk III.  The negotiations, by many reports, were an utter failure.  Ukraine has been making the attempt to meet the *NR demands.  The *NR seem to be disinterested in meeting the Ukrainians part way.  Or even accepting what they said they wanted.  Pushilin has come out to say if the talks fail, then the war would restart (snork!  see below).  A bit of totally amateur analysis: the Donnie Rebs are going to push for more.  There is a cultural bit I keep harping on.  The West has been trying to get Kiev to follow a Western line: agree to something, implement it and you get what you agreed to.  Russians and Ukrainians, in my personal experience, tend to watch what you give into and then see how much they can keep pushing and hard for what else they can get their opponents to concede to.  Right now, Donnie Reb is feeling strong because Kiev conceded.  They will push for a lot more or feel they are strong enough to take on the Ukrainians military way.

The second major development is former Prime Minister Azarov formed a committee for the overthrow of the Kievan government and is forming a government in exile.  He is, of course, in Russia.  The Russians wouldn't let this happen unless they wanted it to.  So.  Guess what, folks?

The third development which is borderline major is what has happened in Shirokyne.  The DNR pulled back from the city to the east.  The Ukrainian volunteer battalions moved into the town and occupied it.  The Ukrainian authorities agreed to make Shirokyne a DMZ and had the Ukrainian Marines move in to replace the volunteer battalions.  Once done, the Marines pulled back and the DMZ was set up.  The problem was a day or two later, the DNR/Russians moved armor and artillery into Vodayne and Kominternove.  Please note their position wrt Shirokyne.  yeah. exactly.

The ceasefire really isn't one.   The OSCE movements are pretty much watched and wherever they are, the fighting stops.  Once they leave, it resumes.  Most of the time.  The OSCE has come under fire a few times, however.  The OSCE has warned about the troop build up which is taking place and they seem to have finally taken note of. 

Some places, like Donetsk and Gorlovka are getting pounded still.  Nor is it one sided.  its pretty much all the fraking time, but especially bad at night.

The Donnie Rebs are pretty guilty of attacking the Ukrainians:

The Ukrainians are guilty of hitting the DNR and LNR as well, even when they are not shot at:

And the civilians get caught in the middle:

This is war.  And it sucks and the normal, good people get caught in the middle.

In Avdiivka, the locals came out to protest against the UAF.  They want them gone so the artillery shells will not impact where they live.  The UAF has been guilty there at least and probably elsewhere of placing military units in the residential areas.  However, I do know in at least some cases they offered to evacuate the civvies and some have refused.

The clashes are not just with artillery.  There are a lot of infantry clashes going on.  However, these are closer to WWI fights or perhaps the end of Korea.  Prepared positions with neither side seemingly interested in advancing. 

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