Sunday, September 06, 2015

Ukraine War Update: Маленькие трещины в это, и что

Maryinka keeps getting intermittently pasted with artillery but there are also significant infantry clashes. Though it appears neither side is attempting to advance.

Avdiivka gets hit somewhat less often.

Bezymenne reported ~20 salvos of artillery.

Makiivka had outgoing artillery fire.

Putilovka had tanks or SPG open up today, too.

There was shooting west of Gorlovka, but today they held some sort of music festival. o.O

In Lugansk, a Russian army SA-13 battalion was IDed.

3 Ukrainian soldiers disappeared on the "border" with Crimea. Did they go AWOL or were they kidnapped (what Ukrainian sources are saying)?

The purge of Purgin supporters is continuing.

On Tyanbok, head of Svoboda is addressing his people on Tuesday. This is making folks nervous. Doubly so since the Sich battalion is calling all its members to Kiev.

There are lots of little cracks in the peace.  The disturbing thing is, despite even the OSCE seeing the mortar attacks and solid reports of heavy artillery attacks, the Ukrainian high command keeps stating there were only small arts clashes.  They keep emphasizing the ceasefire is working and its only frustrated small groups clashing.  Not exactly the truth and that's worrisome.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Very much not the truth it seems. Makes one wonder why they are so insistent on denying reality happening on their own lands. Maybe the Ukrainian army's morale is flagging? One bad thing is this gives DNR and Russia time to sort things out internally and regroup.
