Thursday, October 29, 2015

Scuffle in the South China Sea #2

The US Navy is planning to sail closer than 12 miles from the artificial islands China made in the South China Sea again.

Chinese warships shadowed the USS Lassen the first sail-by.

U.S. chief of naval operations Admiral John Richardson and his Chinese counterpart Admiral Wu Shengli will hold a teleconference over the incident.

China is reportedly REALLY angry over the sailing and future sailings of the US Navy by its islands.

The Chinese have stated they will respond with all necessary means the next time the US does the sail-by.

China reportedly hacked the website of Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague and started spreading malware from the webpage. The court is where the Phillipines filed its dispute with the Chinese over the South China Sea territorial claims.

In a bit of delicious irony, Merkel suggested China settle the South China Sea dispute in the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

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