Saturday, October 24, 2015

Tototlmimus packardensis: an new Ornithomimid Dinosaur From Upper Cretaceous Mexico

A new ornithomimid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous Packard Shale formation (Cabullona Group) Sonora, México


Serrano-Brañas et al


New ornithomimid material discovered from the Upper Cretaceous Packard Shale Formation, (Cabullona Group) of Sonora, Mexico is described. The material includes a partial skeleton, which is assigned to a new genus and species, Tototlmimus packardensis. This new taxon differs from other ornithomimids in having five unique characteristics that separate it from other Northamerican ornithomimids: (1) a distinctively articulation between metatarsals, where the distal ends of metatarsals II and IV contact directly with the distal facet of metatarsal III; (2) a metatarsal III with a weakly ginglymoid distal articular face; (3) the medial and lateral sides of metatarsal III are shaped into the form of metatarsals II and IV, so all distal ends fit together when they articulate; (4) an asymmetrical and narrow pedal ungual with shallow grooves in both medial and lateral sides; and finally, (5) the presence of a deep sulcus on the ventromedial edge, close to the articular end. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Tototlmimus packardensis corresponds to a derived ornithomimid included in the Northamerican clade, forming a monophyly with Ornithomimus. Tototlmimus packardensis is the first definitive ornithomimid described for Mexico, and represents one of the southernmost occurrences in the Western Interior Basin of North America.

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