Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to Turn a Holiday Tradition Into an "International Incident"

President Barack Obama's pardoning of a turkey named "Abe" this Thanksgiving has led some Chinese to gloat at the Japanese prime minister's expense.

As part of a peculiar annual tradition at the White House, Obama on Wednesday granted amnesty from the dinner table to two turkeys named "Honest" and "Abe" — from the nickname for President Abraham Lincoln. But a translation glitch in Chinese media replaced the character for single-syllable "Abe" with the surname of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (pronounced "Ah-bay").

Several commenters in Chinese social media focused on comparing the prime minister to an animal.

Many Chinese harbor animosity toward Japan because of its brutal occupation of much of China during World War II, and they specifically scorn Abe because of his visits to a war shrine that is seen as a symbol of Japan's past militarism.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Who doesn't like causing irrational flustering in ones political opponents ;). Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
