Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Poll Update: Clinton Leads Sanders ~2:1, Carson Surpasses Trump Nationally

Nationally for the Democrats:
Democratic presidential race

• Clinton - 62%
• Sanders - 31%
• O'Malley - 3%
Nationally for the Republicans:
Republican presidential race

• Carson - 29%
• Trump - 23%
• Rubio - 11%
• Cruz - 10%
• Bush - 8%.
But not in New Hampshire:
New Hampshire GOP presidential race

• Trump - 26%
• Carson - 16%
• Rubio - 13%
• Kasich - 11%
• Cruz - 9%
• Bush - 7%
• Fiorina - 5%
• Christie - 5%
• Paul - 3%
• Huckabee - 1%

So we begin the countdown to dropping Bush in the political chipper.  Paul probably will go as will some of the others soon.

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