Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Stealth Saga #15


A new prototype, 2017, of the J-20 stealth fighter has taken flight.  


Indonesia and South Korea worked out more details on how they will work together on the KF-X project.

There is a further delay for the transfer of technologies from the US to South Korea for the KF-X program.


The Navy has set up an unmanned vehicle office to manage the UAVs, UCAVs, USVs and UUVs.  The stalled UCLASS has been assigned to this office.

Long Range Strike Bomber: 

An opinion states the US Air Force made the right decision for the LRS-B contract award.

US Air Force is investigating the data breach in a Forbes article describing the costs for development.

F-35 Lightning II:

Canada's participation in the F-35 is now completely up in the air.

The Brits have announced they will be increasing their total buy of F-35s.

Denmark is likely to confirm an order for 30 F-35s.

Belgium is likely to release its RFP for its F-16 replacement soon and the F-35 is a contender.

The F-35 will be entered into the Canadian recompete for the replacement of the Canadian CF-18s.

The US Marines F-35B squadron, VMFA-121, has been declared ready for combat deployment.

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