Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Russia Lays Keel for 7th Borey Class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine

United Shipbuilding Corporation's Sevmash shipyard laid on 18 December the keel for the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Emperor Alexander III : the Russian Navy's fourth modernised Dolgoruky (Borey-A)-class SSBN and the seventh boat in the Project 955/955A Borey class overall.

The newest Borey-A SSBN will deploy to the Pacific Fleet, according to Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk.

Three Dolgoruky (Project 955) submarines are already in service, and three Borey-A boats are in build at Sevmash. The navy plans to complete a total of eight Dolgoruky SSBNs by 2020.

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