Saturday, January 16, 2016

Stealth Saga #22


Japan will be building a new core for its jet engine for the F-3 stealth fighter.


The formal requirements for the KF-X are due at the end of the month.


In what could be bad news for the PAK-FA program, Russia just signed a deal with Sukhoi for 50 more Su-35S for $800 million.


A second 'production' J-20 has been rolled out and spotted.

Six Generation Fighters:

Northrop has outlined more information about its 6th gen fighter proposal, including 'cyber resilience.' 

F-22 & B-2:

The US and South Korea are discussing whether to deploy the B-2 and F-22 to South Korea as an answer to North Korea's recent nuclear weapon test.

'Maloney's Pony' was the first F-22 to have seen combat.


The ejection seat fix for the F-35 is delayed until 2018.  The Joint Program Office that oversees the F-35 program says they are working to accelerate the fix.

Israel's first F-35 is working its way through manufacturing.

The F-35 (and other American stealth aircraft) will be drone controllers.

Training with the F-35 is gaining steam in a big way: Luke AFB has a total of 34 aircraft to train with already.  Considering the F-22 only has around six times as many total, that's pretty large number.

The F-35 requires a fuel tank fix.

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