Sunday, February 14, 2016

Converging on Cryptocurrencies #2

Cryptocurrencies in General:

A bitcoin venture capitalist has created a prize competition for a new block cypher.

Asked on Slashdot: what cryptocurrency should people get into?


Due to the huge boom in bitcoin mining in Washington state, one utility wants to raise rates on the miners.

Researchers have found an easy way to crack the passwords (pdf) on bitcoin wallets.

How Chinese/Western cultural differences are causing problems for bitcoin development.

Apparently advocating for the use of bitcoin for third world nation is a form of "techno colonialism," according to a UN report.

Is Bitcoin going through a schism?  Or isn't it?  Or did it already with the creation of the altcoins?

The best way to improve  profitability for bitcoin mining might be to allow errors...wuh?

Some think bitcoin's future is really bright.   Others think its the blockchain that has a future, not bitcoin itself.

The launch of Bitcoin Classic may have been thwarted by several groups refusing to adopt the new software.


The European Union wants to end "anonymous" transactions by bitcoin and prepaid credit card users.

The Estonian Supreme Court upheld a ruling that an entrepreneur was required to disclose information on his bitcoin using clients.


Silk Road is a gift that keeps on giving.

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