Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ukraine War Update: да, да. Они являются марионетками носка

Russia is running a "shadow government" in rebel-held territories of eastern Ukraine under the control of the FSB intelligence service, German daily Bild reported Wednesday, citing minutes from an official commission.

The report said that basic administrative functions of the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk are being run by six working groups at five Russian ministries.

The officials, who manage areas including tax law, transport infrastructure and the establishment of an electricity market, work under the auspices of the FSB and answer to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, according to the minutes cited in Bild.

"It is notable that no members of the self-declared people's republics in eastern Ukraine are on the commission," Bild said.

"They are simply informed about its findings and their political implementation."

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