Friday, April 29, 2016

Terminator Times #9


Foxtrot Alpha looks at the DARPA Gremlin program as does Defense Update.

Defense Update looks at the US Navy CICADA program.

The Pentagon has been testing a UAV developed by MIT students.

Special Forces gunships will be getting an air launched UAV.

The USS Carl Vinson is the first American aircraft carrier to get a UAV command center.

The whistleblowers for the US drone campaigns are discussed at WiB.

The US Air Force is funding research by Cornell that may lead to miniature amphibious drones.

The MQ-XX will NOT be a strike platform and the Marine Corps is testing Fire Scout off their jeep carriers.  The General Atomics entry into the MQ-XX will be based off of their Avenger drone, which is not surprise.

The US Army is working on their control software for to better coordinate their UAVs on the battlefield.

One Congressman thinks the US Coast Guard needs its own drone fleet.

The Reaper is getting new sensors.

Textron is considering the next gen of its Shadow UAV.

New details are emerging on the Chinese man indicted for being a spy hunting drone tech.

A counterUAV system is being tested by the US Army. 

The DHS wants one as well.

China says ten countries have bought their UAVs.  The demand seems rather high.

China also details their CH-901 UAV and their loitering munition.

Finland is considering buying armed drones.

The British have selected General Atomics Predator B for its Protector UAV.

Israel's Rafael has unveiled its anti drone system.

Israel's UVision loitering munitions blur the line between missile and drone.

Turkey is looking to source its drone components from its own industrial base rather than abroad.

Can Turkey and the US actually work together on their drone tech

Azerbaijan wants more Israeli UAVs for its border conflict with Armenia.

Russia's United-40 UAV has started testing.

Warmate's expendable UAV has two customers.


What is the reality of Russia's dirty bomb armed Status-6 UUV?


The Chinese have developed a taser armed robot.

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