Friday, May 20, 2016

Coming Cyberwar #10

Cyber Warfare:

The Pentagon wants AI to hack enemy networks.

Muslim Indonesian 'cyber warriors' are taking on IS/Daesh online.

The USMC needs to start preparing for cyberwar now.

How to use cyberwarfare to maintain the advantage over the Chinese.

The USAF wants to convert the C-37B into an electronic/cyber attack aircraft.

The head of US Navy cyber warfare is being promoted to head of intel.

SecDef Carter discusses the cyber warfare operations against Daesh.

Electronic & Cyber Warfare are starting to blend.

Cyber Security:

Berkeley Researchers gamed the five worst case scenarios for cyber security breaches.

Americans are increasingly worried about cyber attacks.

Google is ending access to its malware database.

A new method of random number generation may improve cyber security.

Cyber security folks are being trained to think like hackers.

Police have revealed how they are fighting botnets.

BMW has shown how you can control your HVAC at home from one of their cars.  This is how you get seriously hacked, folks.

A hacker website was...hacked.

Reportedly foreign hackers are spying on the US presidential candidates.

Cyber crime:

United States Steel has filed a complaint stating Chinese hackers are attempting to steal its trade secrets.

The Dyanmer malware can become persistent through a Windows root mode.

A security flaw in Samsung smart house tech allows hackers to unlock doors remotely.

A new botnet is targeting scientists and engineers.

The Viking Horde malware is targeting android devices.

An Ukrainian hacker has entered a plea for his attempt to use unpublished news stories for potential extortion.  

The Swift banking network has been severely compromisedAgain.  Vietnam blocked an attempted SWIFT bank fraud.  The hack may be related to the Sony hack not too long ago.

The human side of cyber crime. 


Can cyber space be mapped?

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