Saturday, May 14, 2016

Robopocalypse Report #81


The Monospinner makes an appearance again in press. 

Zipline & UPS are teaming up to deliver medical supplies by drone in Rwanda.

Periscope & DJI have teamed up for video from drones.

Bats might teach us how to make better drones.

Drone hunting is a new sport it seems.

DHL has a fully autonomous delivery system by drone.

Drones captured whales killing a shark.

In Russia, someone went John Connor on a drone with a...spear.

Self Driving Cars:

Lyft to start testing self driving taxis.

Volvo's self driving trucks, already tested in Europe, are being tested for underground operations at mines.

An owner claims a Tesla went crazy and crashed itself.

Google is hiring evaluators for its self driving cars in Arizona for $20/hour.

BMW's first self driving car will be available in 2021.

You can now "drive" a self driving car around London.

We have more of an idea about what Apple wants to do with self driving out Lyft & Uber!

And here's a different take.

3d printing:

Where are we with 3d printing tissues and organs?

John Hopkins, at least, as developed 3d printed bones.

The University of Waterloo has developed a joint replacement 3d printer.


The US Army now has a very special new bot (see the video above).

University of Washington has tied machine learning to a sophisticated robotic hand to allow machines to self teach how to do complex manipulation.

Cowa has developed a robot suit case that will follow you around.  Now if only it would pack itself.

Disney research has developed a new method of making robot arms move more gracefully.

Return of the ostrich bot!

Robot wars might really start.

Is robo surgery better than normal?

Help rebuild Eric the Automaton from 1928.

This bot developed by MIT can remove watch batteries from kids' stomachs.

These microbots are for removing heavy metals.


Hyundai has developed an exoskeleton and unveiled it.

Software Bots:

IBM's Watson passed a turing test of sorts: the students at the Georgia Institute of Technology did not realize their TA was really Watson.

The Siri voice actress doesn't really use Siri.

An AI made a bet on the Kentucky derby and won big.

Do clever machines add up to AI?

Meet Ross, the software bot who also plays a lawyer at a law firm.

Google Chirp is intended to compete with Amazon's Echo.

Google has released its Parsy McParseface software.

Economics & Philosophy:

Drones could replace $127 billion worth of human labor.

Wendy's will be automating its fast food restaurants.

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