Monday, May 23, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #46

The US Navy reported the Chinese conducted a very dangerous intercept of one of the American patrol planes in the South China Sea.  The Chinese said they would look into it and then rejected the claim.

The US Navy wants to start mounting cameras on its P-3s and P-8s to provide proof of the crazy intercepts.

China is apparently using its Predator equivalent drone to observe other countries' navies in the South China Sea.

Here are images of China's Marines exercising in the South China Sea.

China is planning a search and rescue base in the South China Sea.

India has deployed warships to the South China Sea while the US Navy and Indian Navy are developing closer ties.

Russia is launching the fourth frigate for Vietnam.

Obama has lifted the arms embargo for Vietnam (warning auto launching video).  Obama reiterated the importance of 'freedom of navigation' in the South China Sea on the same visit.  China has warned about Obama's visit American-Vietnamese relations should not endanger Asia's stability.

Some are saying the South China Sea is turning into a powder keg.

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