Saturday, May 07, 2016

Terminator Times #10

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:

Turkey is rushing its own strike UCAVs.

Israel is planning for more UAVs.

Finland may start using UCAVs to supplement its fighters.

US Navy is working on a submersible flying drone.

The US Navy will progress on the MQ-25 CBARs tanker drone this year.

K-MAX unmanned helicopter demo for USMC is ready.

The US Air Force wants to put lasers on drones.

The US Air Force is seeking smaller drones. It wants small kamikaze, swarming drones.

The US Air Force does not expect to buy the MQ-25 like the navy will, but may buy the autolanding tech for its Reapers.

The US Army's sense and avoid operations for UAVs are about to start.

The US Army is looking for drones meant to support its ground forces while maneuvering in combat.

The US Army wants to boost the reliability of its Gray Eagle drone's engine.

Congress is mandating the US DOD & DOE defend their facilities from malicious drones.

AeroVironment has a new surveillance package for drones.

FLIR has developed a new IR sensor explicitly for UAVs.

The Optical Bar Camera for the Global Hawk is about ready to test.

UTAS is touting its new sensor for Reapers.

T-STAMP sensor system is being used by the Israelis.

UAV Solutions has a new control system, is working on light weight long endurance systems and has developed a tube launched UAV.

TEI outlines is next gen engine for drones.

Prox Dynamics continues to develop its nano UAV, the Black Hornet.

Textron is trialing a VTOL kit for UAVs.  Insitu is doing so as well.

Textron is pushing its Shadow M2 airframe and its advanced shadow upgrade is available.

The twin tailed Zephyr solar powered drone has taken its maiden flight.

Martin UAV's VTOL drone is progressing.

Raytheon is continuing to focus on small UAVs.

Sikorsky is pressing ahead with its optionally manned Blackhawk helicopter technology.

Kratos is attempting to enter the UCAV market.

UMS Skeldar is optimistic about Australian navy buying its VTOL drone.

Engines ought to be the focus of UAV development.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles:

The US Navy is turning to USVs for mine warfare.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles:

The US Army is going to need to get its act together for large UGVs.

Tera MAX's unmanned truck rolls on.

The USMC is looking for a 'robo pallet system.'

The US Army is about to put out the RFP for its new backpack robot.

Robo Warfare:

The US Army wants 'Iron Man, not Terminator' for the future of combat in the future.

Software bots for jammers are more likely than terminators.

The Pentagon is pushing hard on robots and AI for future combat.

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