Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Terminator Times #11


The Flying elephant UAV did cargo drop tests.

The British Parliament is questioning the policy for using drone strikes outside of war.

The Puma UAVs bought by USSOCOM were not up to the needed specs.

China has demo'ed supply delivery by drone.

Jordan is also developing drones.

DARPA wants to place UAVs in containers under the sea, then release them to scout at later dates.

How China organizes its UAV forces.

DARPA wants its TERN UAV to have its first flight in 2018.

DARPA also has a new UAV collaboration system.

The USMC KMAX unmanned helicopter might be used for recon as well and has arrived at Yuma for testing.

The US Navy wants to manage, not fly, UAVs.

How swarming drones could change air combat.

The Republic of Singapore has new drone squadrons

Airbus & CIAC is developing a new drone. 

There is more information on the 'Loyal Wingman' capability the USAF is developing.

The US Amy is considering hybrid electric propulsion for its next gen drones.

Portugal is buying mini drones.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles:

This Israeli robot actually packs a Glock handgun.

Here's a bit more on the Dogo.

The Marines are seeking robots that can follow orders and are working to see if they can get Marines to 'bond' to their bots.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles (Robo boats):

The US Navy and Textron are finalizing the CUSV robo boat contract.

Robo Submarines:

DARPA's SHARK program is wrapping and more here.

The US Navy is seeking more robo subs to kill mines.

The Kraken UUV has been tested.

Saab has developed an mine hunting robo sub. 

Missile Defense:

Should missile defenses have a last ditch automatic response?

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