Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #52

China is apparently willing to pay the price for defying the international community in the South China Sea.

China has started shadowing US Navy ships.

China will be launching passenger cruises through the South China Sea.

The US Third Fleet is expanding its roles based in part due to increased Chinese aggression.

US Navy fighters have arrived in Philippines for drills.

Two US aircraft carrier battlegroups are exercising in the South China Sea near the Philippines.  The admiral in command of the groups used to fly together in A-6 attack planes.  Chinese warships are shadowing the US carriers.

B-52s are also involved in the exercise apparently.

Should the US Coast Guard patrol the South China Sea?

Here's one take on how to step up US presence and activities in the South China Sea.

The US ought to prepare for China's reaction to the UN ruling because the ruling itself might make the situation worse..

Vietnam lost an Su-30 in the South China Sea. China has sent naval ships to help in the search.  The body of the pilot has been recovered.

Here's more on the US lifting its arms embargo.

Indonesia's navy has started major drills in the South China Sea.

Indonesian ships fired on Chinese fishermen.  Indonesia vows to stand firm on its claimed corner of the South China Sea.

ASEAN was released and retracted an anti China statement over the South China Sea. Chinese pressure is seen as the root cause for the retraction.

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