Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #57

The Hague has ruled in favor of the Philippines over the dispute in the South China Sea.

Beijing has rejected the ruling and then some..  Taiwan has also rejected the ruling.

Japan has stated the ruling is final and binding.

Vietnam has welcomed the ruling while pushing for their own claims.

The US has urged all sides to adhere to the ruling since the US considers it legally binding.

Some are calling for the US to not push hard on CHina after the ruling.  Others want increased sail-bys.

Even so, China claims it will maintain the peace in South China Sea.

China has continued to prep the civilian airports in the Spratley Islands.

Japan will be closely watching what China will do next.

Japan's coast guard cutter has arrived in the Philippines.

Here is a timeline of the events leading up to the decision and some background information.

Why The Hague case matters.

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