Friday, September 02, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #64

China is increasing its capability to attack the US base on Guam.

Here are some thoughts on China's strategic thinking. 

China has threatened Japan and Australia over the South China Sea dispute.

SecState Kerry stated there is no military solution to the South China Sea dispute and reiterated the US stands by its allies in the dispute.

The US military is stating Australia must choose between the US and China.

What are the implications of the ruling on China and the freedom of navigation acts?

Indonesia is actively trying to resolve the South China Sea disputes.

The Philippines is increasing its defense budget by 15%.

The President of the Philippines is stating talks will begin with China within a year and the dispute has not shifted its ties with the US or China.

The President also stated China must observe the tribunal ruling.

Three Taiwanese officers have been indicted for launching the antiship missile earlier this year.

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