Friday, September 16, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #66

China claims nothing has changed with respect to the Scarborough Shoal. 

China also wants outside interference with the South China Sea to stop.

China and Russia first prepared for and then started the exercises in the South China Sea.

What Chinese ships are involved?

The Chinese amphibious warfare can be viewed through the past.

China feel confident it can improve its relations with Philippines. 

China came under pressure at the recent summit.

China is making decisions that get it cornered over the South China Sea.

The recent developments in the South China Sea.

The US Navy's Chief of Naval Operations has stated the US must continue to engage China.

Indonesia has problems with Chinese weapons.

Japan will start patrolling jointly with the USA.

Obama discussed the South China Sea on the way back from a summit and warned the arbitration ruling was binding.

Philippines' President is rejecting joint patrols between the US and Philippines navies.

Philippines has requested a clarification from China as to what they are doing with the Scarborough Shoal.

Philippines' President...oy.

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