Friday, November 18, 2016

Coming Cyber War #21

Cyber Warfare:

The US was mulling a response to any cyber attacks on election day.

The best strategy for the US may not to have a cyber strategy?

US Army wargames have refined the use of cyber warfare teams.

The US Army is rushing to build up its cyber warfare corps.

The US Navy has outlined its cyber defense plans for its warships.  Amongst those plans are the last resort of unplugging the warship from the network in case of compromise.

The US military is looking to tap into its social media forces. 

The US military's attempts to recruit hackers were harmed in a significant way by Snowden.

Massive DDOS attacks are on the rise (*cough*IOT*Cough*)

Russians are accused of conducting massive post election hacks on US based think tanks, NGOs and even some parts of the US government. 

In turn massive DDOS attacks were launched on the top 5 Russian banks on November 10th through 12th.  It seems to be the Mirai software again.

Smaller nations will start employing cyber weapons.

 A DDOS attack took out the heating in two buildings in Lappeenranta, Finland.

Cyber Security:

Adult Friends Finder's websites have been cracked and expose 400 odd million user accounts.

A chess champion reached out to Microsoft to protect him from Russian hackers.

Columbia University has come up with new software to help foil cyber attacks.

China's new tough cyber security law has come into effect.

The cryptsetup bug allows for remote root shell access on linux systems.

The DIRTY COW exploit is still not patched in Android. 

A Google engineer has stated anti virus software is a waste of time and worse than useless.

 Malware detecting CPUs are being developed.

The OATH2.0 bug has left 1 billion mobile apps exposed.

PoisonTap is a new hacking device that can crack a machine in under a minute.

 Researchers successfully hacked a Phillips Smart bulb via a drone.

A security company showed how to hack a US voting machine.

A security company also showed how to create an untraceable rootkit for industrial equipment.

Trump's election to the US Presidency is adding fuel to the fire in the encryption debate.

 US lawmakers are considering a new agency for IoT security.

What would you give up for cyber security?  Apparently, a lot.  

Yahoo is revealing more details of its massive hack.  Some within Yahoo knew of the breach in 2014!

Z-Wave, an IoT device maker, is announcing new security standards for their devices.

Cyber Espionage:

A new, powerful Android malware is targeting executives at companies.

Assange claims Wikileaks never intended to influence the US Election (ha!).

The British have passed a law stating all data, including browsing histories and domains visited, must be kept for up to one year.

China is collecting information off of smart phones in the US.

The FBI has hired a firm with a real time scan & feed from twitter.

linkedin is now blocked in Russia because linkedin refused to house the data for Russian citizens in Russia physically.

The NSA stated a nation-state (see below) attempted to influence the election.

How Russia attempted to influence the US election.

Will Trump's win of the US Presidency greatly increase surveillance?

Cyber Crime:

10% of cloud based repositories have been compromised by malware.

The Chinese passed a very controversial cyber security law.

The FBI seized 23 child porn sites on torrent and then deployed malware from them.

Tesco Bank stopped online transactions after a massive wave of theft.

University of Calgary banned bittorrents and saw a massive drop in the complaints about online IP theft.

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