Friday, December 09, 2016

Coming Cyber War #22

Cyber Warfare:

The US Air Force's future war network just doubled in price.

How the use of enlisted personnel in cyberwarfare is helping in the US Army.

The US Army is building its electronic/cyber warfare teams.

The first ever electronic warfare strategy is headed for the US SecDef's desk.

A cyber attack on the British using the Mirai bot net left 100,000 homes without internet.

A device designed to destroy computers by plugging into the USB port is available online for $50.

The Japanese Ministry of Defense was hit with a serious cyber attack.

You can now rent a Mirai botnet of 400,000.

The Philippines is investing in cyber defenses.

The Russians are claiming foreign spies are attacking its banks.

Saudi Arabia has been cyber attacked, supposedly by Iran.

Cyber Security:

AirDroid can be hacked.

More than 1 million Android devices have been compromised by Googligan malware.

The US DOD is asking white hat hackers to take a crack at all its websites.

President-elect Trump's nominee for SecDef is advocating using analog systems to avoid hacking.

Dronejacking might become a threat.

How a hacker took over Tel Aviv's public wifi system. 

Insurance companies are grappling with cyber attacks that cause physical damage.

The IoT needs a lot more security.

A malicious video link can freeze IOS devices.  

San Francisco's Muni was hacked and gave free rides. 

Security flaws have been found in implantable medical devices.

Security researchers found a way to turn speakers into microphones.

The new Stegano exploit is worrisome.

The Wordpress autoupdate server had a flaw that allowed anyone to access any website in the world (using Wordpress) to do anything.

Cyber Espionage:

Tech firms in Britain are trying to frustrate compliance with the new onerous and 1984ish surveillance law there.

That British law apparently has an exemption for politicians in Parliament: you cannot snoop on them!

That same British law put in place a required encryotion backdoor for the police.

Many inexpensive Android phones have been found to have a secret Trojan built into their firmware updating software.  This provides data back to servers in China.  Originally, it was just Shanghai Adups Technology's system, but now also includes the Ragentek Group.

The FBI hacked over 8,000 computers in 120 countries with one warrant. 

The Feds can hack you anywhere now, legally.

Geofeedia laid off half its staff after losing its feeds from Twitter and Facebook.

Google has been sending notices to journalists (and others) of state sponsored hacking attempts on their accounts.

A journalist tied to Anonymous has been released from jail. 

Reuters developed a bot to spot fake news.

Russian propogandists helped make the fake news epidemic this last presidential cycle much worse.  Some dispute that.

The Sony hack may have encouraged Russian hackers according to one California Congressman.

Snowden can be asked to testify in the German probe of the NSA espionage, but cannot use Norway for safe passage.

Cyber Crime:

 Australia found their biggest software pirates were also their best purchasers of software.

 The Avalanche botnet has been taken down.

The Daily Motion was hacked, exposing millions of user accounts.

More than a dozen European countries have seen their ATMs hacked.

Hackers stole $131 million from the Russian Central Bank.

The Locky ransomware uses decoy images to hack linkedin and facebook accounts.

A sysadmin was sentenced to two years in jail for sabotaging a internet service provider.

Android malware was used to hack and steal a Tesla.


The world needs a set of cyber norms.

Is a multilateral approach needed to curb the cyber threat from North Korea?

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