Friday, January 13, 2017

Stealth Saga #59


The proposed F-3 fighter is planned to be bigger than the F-22.


More on the new testing.

An a bit more: the Chinese are reportedly offering the FC-31 for $70 million (vs F-35 for $105M).

And more still.  Jane's states there are significant changes.

And one last one.


The J-20 program is being called the most complicated and riskiest program for China yet.


Russia is claiming it will declare IOC (or russian equivalent) for the PAK-FA in 2017.

Some think the Russians are exaggerating the PAK-FA's capabilities.

Sixth Generation Fighter:

Why Russia and China should fear the US Sixth Generation Fighters.

B-21 Raider:

Will the B-21 bring new stealth tech to the light?


In 1986, Reagan offered Thatcher (and Britain, dur) the then very secret F-117 stealth fighter.  Britain, obviously, declined.


Lockheed just won a $61M sustainment contract for the F-22.

F-22 & F-35:

A nice side by side comparison of the F-22 and F-35 when they fly in formation at RIAT.


Some are stating the F-35 may never be combat ready.

Lockheed's CEO has committed to driving down the price of the F-35.

Lockheed won a $450M contract for the F-35.

Soon-to-be President Trump's sniping at the F-35 is threatening the program.

Trump's proposal to replace the F-35 with an upgraded F/A-18E/F is met with derision.

Counter Stealth:

Supposedly, the new E-2 Hawkeye can detect stealth aircraft.


War on the Rocks looks at the future of air superiority.

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