Saturday, June 03, 2017

Terminator Times #30

Drones (unmanned aerial vehicles):

Australia will equip its troops with small unmanned aerial systems.

Belarus is on a roll and developed a VTOL UCAV version of its IN SKY robo copter and offering a lot more options for UAV customers.

China's Wing-Loong II has taken its maiden flight.

Thales details its delivery to France of its Spy'Ranger.

Germany will be acquiring the Triton UAV since the Euro Hawk program fell apart.

Germany will also move ahead with its Heron TP purchase.

The German Herons will be controlled from a base in Israel.

India's second Rostum2 drone prototype has been unveiled.

Israel's Meteor has secured the first orders for its Impact drone.

Israel's UVision has unveiled a new version of its Hero loitering munition/suicide drone.

The Japanese scrambled F-15s when a Chinese drone was spotted near the disputed islands.

North Korea is claiming a Heron UAV entered its airspace multiple times.

Russia is supposedly building an advanced medium class drone.

Russia's Orion drone has been spotted and it looks like a GNAT 750.

Russia's HeliRussia is testing a tilt rotor UAV.

Saudi Arabia has unveiled its own UCAV.

Somali police are getting drones to combat terrorists.

Turkey's Anka UCAV is undergoing weapons trials.

DARPA has down selected for Phase 2 of the Gremlins program.

DARPA is trying to get smaller UAVs to do more.

The USAF AFRL is testing a multi sensor pod for the Reaper.

F-16s converted to drones have been testing jamming techniques with the F-35s.

The media got a tour of the RQ-4 drone in Japan.

US Air Force Reaper Drones as close air support aircraft?

The Reaper has been armed with the JDAM bomb now.

The USAF released an image of Kratos' planned prototype for the LCAAT.

THE US Army is seeking a medium sized cargo drone of their own.

The US Army is looking at how to improve its MQ-1C Grey Eagles.

The USMC MUX Program is moving forward.

Piasecki is targeting the USMC's MUX cargo drone with an upgraded version of its ARES demonstrator.

The US Navy is planning a demonstration of updating target info for its FireScout VTOL UCAV.

The USN is going through the last steps necessary before sending its RFP for the MQ-25 Stingray.

US SOCOM is considering what to do about drones.

Aerovironment has unveiled its Snipe nano quadcopter.  it has already delivered 20 of them to a unnamed US government costumer.

KRATOS has unveiled its latest UAV.

Lockheed's Fury is being tested extensively in the ramp up to its LRIP.

Pulse Aerospace has launched its Radius 65 UAV.

QinetiQ NA has proposed its Titan UGV for the US Army.

Terminators (Unmanned Ground Vehicles):

Belarus has shared more details of its antitank UGV, the Bogomol.

The US Army talked about its advances in small ground robotics.

ARA has acquired Neya.

Robo Boats (Unmanned surface vehicles):

The Chinese have started showcasing some of their new USVs.

The US Navy has started experimenting with defensive swarms of USVs.

Robo Subs (unmanned underwater vehicles):

The USN's NUWC is testing a new mine hunting UUV.

L3 acquired Open Water Power, a UUV builder for the USN.


Britain wants to develop unmanned logistics vehicles, aircraft and ground.

France's ECA is looking at unmanned teaming for mine and explosives clearing.

Amphibious operations about the US Marine Corps will require unmanned components to succeed.

Manned, Unmannted Team (MUMT) seeks to expand how unmanned systems are used.

US Navy wants unmanned standards implemented.

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