Saturday, June 02, 2018

Terminator Times #45

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones):

How DARPA's Germlins system would work.

The Trump administration shift on sales of armed UAVs may actually benefit Israel.

The USAF gave a contract to General Atomics to upgrade the Reapers to the Block 5 configuration.

The US Army's Gray Eagle modernization focuses on reliability.

The US Coast Guard wants a long endurance UAV.

The USMC has unveiled the badging for unmanned aircraft soldiers.

The USMC had an unmanned, autonomous helicopter delivering supplies during an exercise.

USMC RQ-21 Blackjacks are being used 3 times as much as expected in Iraq and Syria.

The US Navy is looking into self defense missiles for UCAVs to carry.

The US Navy is looking to stand up a UAV testing unit.

The US Navy gave Northrop Grumman a contract to maintain the Triton production line.

Photos have emerged of China's CH-4 UAV with an ELINIT package.

The German Navy has taken delivery of Puma UAVs.

Jordan has bought Chinese Ch-4 UAVs.

Russia's Altius UAV is making progress.

The Russians are pushing ahead with their Korsar UAV and the Russians are claiming the Korsar has seen combat in Syria.

The new Russian UAVs were on display for the May parade.

More Russian UAVs are completing testing.

AAI won a contract for its Aerosonde (?) UAV.

Did AeroVironment fire an employee for reporting another for carrying a drone with explosives on an Delta Airlines flight?

Bell Helicopter just won a contract for more airframes for the FireScout Program.

Boeing is considering making the Pegasus tanker into a UAV.

British Aerospace is developing a UAV that could fly for a year at a time.

General Atomics won a contract for spare engines for the Reaper.

General Atomics is flight testing the Guardian UAV in Japan.

Insitu won a contract to maintain the Blackjack drones.

Rolls Royce won a contract for more engines for the Triton UAV.

The military and industry is looking at leasing UAVs as an option.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (Bolos & Ogres):

The US Army is making progress with its Unmanned Wingman program.

the US Army has a unique EOD bot.

The USMC is buying the FirstLook robots from Endeavour Robotics.

Ghost Robotics unveiled its Vision series of legged UGVs.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles (Robo Boats):

The British Royal Navy received its first unmanned minesweeper.

Unmanned Underwater Vehicles:

Russia's insane Poseidon UUV will carry a nuclear warhead.

3d Printing:

USMC repaired snowshoes with 3d printing.

The US Navy gave GE a contract to see if 3d printing could be used for replacement naval parts.

Software Bots:

AI is already changing how the military views combat.

Google employees have resigned in protest over the company's participation in Project Maven.

A software bot designed to help soldiers learn in combat faster?


The US Army is embracing robotic surgery.

The US Navy has disestablished the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Unmanned Systems.

KAIST's killer robot project has been canned over the threat of a boycott by tech researchers of the university.

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