Saturday, January 26, 2019

Terminator Times #54

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs/Drones):

The Pentagon flew as many domestic drone missions in 2018 as it did in the previous seven years combined.

The USAF is considering using autonomous swarms of UAVs to conduct search and rescue missions.

The US Army wants drones that can take off vertically and produce mesh networks on the fly.

Brazil will resume using its Heron 1 UAVs.

Chile is showing off its Israeli made Hermes 900 UAVs.

China's Sky Hawk (tian ying) UCAV has flown for the first time and may have communications capabilities with fighters to act as a Loyal Wingman.

China's CASC is looking at a heavy fuel engine variant of its CH-4 UCAV.

Who is China targeting with its drone sales?

China's FL-1 MALE UAV has taken its first flight.

Dutch Reaper pilots are training in the US.

France signed a $89M for FLIR micro drones.

General Atomics unveiled the local suppliers to support the Belgian purchase of the SkyGuardian UAV.

General Atomics has found local suppliers for the British Protector UAV.

Houthi drones killed several in an attack on a government parade in Yemen.

The Houthi are using Iranian Shahed-123 drones.

IAI is considering attempting to buy Aeronatics after Rafael's failed bid.

India has developed an armed quadcopter.

An administrator has been appointed to find a buyer for the bankrupt Piaggio Aerospace.

Rafael signed an agreement to codevelop advanced versions of Aeronautics' Orbiter UAV after their failed attempt to buy the drone maker.

The first hi-res image of the Russian Altair UAV has emerged.

Russia's Ohotnik-B or Hunter-B appears to have been doing taxi tests.  Here are some picture links.  Aviation Week is calling it a strike aircraft.

Taiwan's navy showed off a new drone.

Turkey is selling drones to Ukraine.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (Bolos and Ogres):

The US Army is considering using AI based weapons for counter-fire capabilities.

Why the British tested combat bots in mud.

Textron finalized its acquisition of Howe & Howe.

Textron is hoping to win these procurements.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs/Roboats):

AAI has received a contract from the US Navy for almost $11M for its Unmanned Influence Sweep System USVs.

The US Navy is moving towards using significant numbers of USVs.

The US Navy has deployed the Sea Hunter as part of exercises.

The US Navy is considering robo wolf packs of USVs.

Unmanned Underwater Vehicles:

Russia claims it will start procurement of 32 of the intercontinental, doomsday nuclear torpedo/UUVs called Poseidon.

3d Printing:

The US Army is looking into 3d printing to improve readiness.

The USAF is testing a 3d printed part of the F-22 to see if they can reduce costs.

Software bots (AI, skynet, etc):

BAe is looking at adding software bots and machine learning to naval combat systems.

DARPA wants a software bot to look for patterns in the global chaos.

Google's "AI" may help with the breathing problems for US military pilots.

A poker playing bot is being adapted for use by the Pentagon.

South Korea's army has created a lab for AI development.

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