Saturday, July 27, 2019

Robopocalypse Report #118


Automating the design of the universal controller for a drones is underway.

The FAA will delay its drone tracking requirement again.

Drones can take spectacular photos and did during the solar eclipse.

A drone swarm spray painted a crowd sourced mural.

Flybotix has a ducted fan, dual prop drone that lasts longer than most quads.

Fraunhofer has started drone strike testing for aircraft.

Google has introduced an air traffic control app for drones.

Ion propulsion for drones?!

MIT is testing drones that can switch between gliding and powered flight.

NASA has been test flying sensors to improve drone safety.

Throwflame has made a flamethrower for ...drones.  sigh.

UPS wants to go full scale with drone deliveries.

Self Driving Cars:

Are self driving cars the answer for older adults?

Hackers could easily paralyze a city by compromising connected self driving cars.

Damler and Bosche are getting closer to self driving valet service.

EasyMile's self driving shuttle bus will begin trialing in Australia.

Ford and Volkswagen are expanding their collaboration on self driving cars.  Hopefully, VW won't fake the data on this like they did for vehicle emissions.

Gatik wants to fill the niche between the warehouse and the store with its self driving vans.

GM will not deliver its first self driving cars by year's end like they had planned.

The Las Vegas self driving shuttle crash was due to the fact the manual controller was not present when crash happened to intervene.

Luminar is offering a $500 LIDAR.

The Navya self driving shuttle was in an accident not its fault, but what does that portend?

Tesla is adjusting its pricing.  Musk has stated fully self driving Teslas will be significantly more expensive.

Waymo will test its autonomous cars on its employees first in California.

Waymo is developing a new training method for its bots driving its cars.

3d Printing:

A supersonic nozzle greatly improves 3d printing on the nanoscale.

China is applying machine learning to 3d printing.

Astronauts could 3d print replacement bones and tissues in the future.

Microreactors can be 3d printed.

NASA wants to 3d print spacecraft in orbit.

Sandia National Labs has developed a 3d printed tamper indicating material.


Can robots solve America's recycling crisis?

Amazon is reportedly working on a mobile home robot.

Amazon's warehouse labor issues may not be solvable by robots.

Chinese researchers are working biomimetic underwater vehicles.

Georgia Tech has developed robots that move using vibrations.

IBM is testing a 'robotic tongue' for chemical detection.

IHMC's Atlas bot does an impressive job of climbing through debris.

Jellyfish bots!

This jellyfish robot can use water flow to manipulate objects, not just swim.

Kanazawa University has developed a new gripper tech for robots.

MIT's tiny walking motor could be something new for robots.

MIT has developed a system where complex robots can be assembled from a few, standard parts.

NASA's JPL built the rocket climbing Lemur robot.

Refraction AI is a food delivery robot company.

Robots as a service.

The second coming of robot pets.

Robots are roaming the Antarctic and providing data on climate change.

A new software bot develops novel parts for robotics.

Say hi to Spacebok!

Toyota unveiled the support robots for the 2020 Olympics.

And the ant inspired Tribots.

This UUV has been designed to explore and map the shafts of abandoned mines.

The trials of Vegebot and why its tough to build agribots.


The four largest challenges in simulating the brain.

Mentally controlling a robotic arm may not require implants into the brain.

Musk's Neuralink wants to put sensors in the human brain next year.

An artificial larynx might allow the mute to speak.

What are the ethics of the brain computer interfaces?

The University of Utah has produced a robotic, prosthetic hand that allows a person to feel object picked up.

Software Bots:

Will machine learning build up a huge intellectual debt?

Software bots in high stakes decisions need to be fully audit-able.

A more human approach to AI.

Alibaba claims a far greater understanding by its bots of languages than accomplished ever before.

Amazon's Alexa keeps the transcripts of EVERYTHING it hears unless purposefully deleted.

An Amazon AI engineer was tired of his cat bringing home animals as presents, so he created a software bot enabled catdoor to not let the cat in until it disposed of its 'present.'

California has a new law requiring bots ID themselves online.  Will it actually make any difference?

Deep-CEE is a software bot designed to help astronomers.

Google DeepMind's AI will play public Starcraft matches.

The controversial FaceApp goes viral again (and its software bot driven).

Facebook and CMU's AI apparently won at poker against 5 pro players at once.

Facebook is opening one of its software bots to the public for use.

In Hong Kong, software bots were used to accurately count crowds.

IBM open sourced its cancer drug software bot.

Microsoft is pumping $1 billion into its generalized "AI."

MIT has a new bot that can detect and create deep fake images.

Researchers easily trick software bot derived antivirus programs into think malware is really safe.

A software bot designed a flu vaccine and it will be trialing in the US.

Using software bots to predict extreme weather.

Software bots help wind turbines not disrupt each other.

Software bots are learning to detect deep fakes.

Software bots can now solve a rubiks cube in 1.2 seconds.

Software bots have brought the robopocalypse for umpires.

Software bots can simulate quantum systems without heavy computing power.

Software bots are being developed to attempt to decipher lost languages.

Software bots trained on scientific papers are making discoveries scientists missed.

Software bots could improve clinical trials.

Software bots can be used to analyze animal behavior based on their trajectories.

Software bots designed to monitor volcanoes.

Software bots are being used to design metamaterials for invisibility cloaks.

Software bots are being designed to recognize kidney injuries from burns.

Software bots can be designed to diagnose breast cancer much faster.

Software bots can be used to detect discrimination.

Software bots can help understand enzyme function.

Software bots are supercharging map creation around the world.

Software bots are improving clinical trial recruitment.

Using software bots to figure out where, when and how tear gas is used against civilians.

Software bots are becoming involved with neuroscience.

Software bots might be able to spot autism very early.

Software bots are being used in protein folding research.

Making deep fake revenge porn is now illegal in Virginia.

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