Saturday, July 06, 2019

Stealth Saga #49

Sixth Generation Fighters:

The Franco-German FCAS effort might go down in flames over industrial fighting.  Others are more optimistic about it.  Some very optimistic.  Some are not very optimistic at all, calling the FCAS anfdTFX potentially fantasies.  A mockup will be unveiled at the Paris airshow and may have been already.   Here's more info. Spain has officially joined the FCAS effort.

MBDA has unveiled concepts for weapons for the FCAS.

The USAF has effectively cancelled the NGAD/PCA fighter.


Turkey has unveiled its mockup of the TFX fighter.  It looks like a cross between the F-22 and the F-35.


Prime Minister Abe supports replacing the F-2 fighter with an locally made next generation fighter.


First flight will supposedly be in July or August.


Mildly selective examples there.  :D

The Russians are supposedly developing a new antiship missile for the Su-57.

The Russians are displaying the Su-57 on models of their perpetually planned aircraft carrier, the Schtorm class.

The contract for 76 Su-57s has been reported signed by TASS.  The aircraft will be supposedly delivered through 2028.


Again, very selective.

Has the FC-31/J-31 been redesigned further?


The KC-46A Pegasus tanker refueling a B-2 for the first time.

Inside the cockpit footage and commentary of a B-2 in flight.


F-22s have deployed to Qatar for the first time.

The USAF has admitted the F-22 will not reach the 80% combat readiness on time.


The F-35 will take over half the fighter market over the next decade.

Lockheed and the Pentagon have reached a handshake deal over the next three LRIPs of $34 billion  for 478 F-35s.  The F-35A's price will fall below $80M each and is an 8.8% reduction in price for the A model.  Unfortunately, the deal negotiated has Turkish jets included, but it might not be a big deal.

Immediately after the announcement, Defense News released what it claimed was a whole lot of damning reports on the F-35.  Some of which are ancient news, but the news media picked it up.  Others of which are of concern.  Some are calling it a cluster bomb of problems.  The timing is wildly interesting though.  It was JUST after the handshake and the current acting SecDef is a Boeing ex employee who has been advocating for for buying a competing, less advanced, less capable fighter for a higher price (over $90M fly away and more for spinning up the whole thing)...from Boeing.  Foxtrot Alpha continues the 'problems of the F-35' series.

Here's the Pentagon's plan to cut Turkey from the F-35 program.  The 'unwinding' of Turkey's participation has begun.  Turkish pilots are no longer training on the F-35 in the US.  Turkey is angry with the letter from the SecDef.  Ousting Turkey will cut F-35 sales to Europe by 20%.  The US and Turkey are in close communication about the whole thing.  The US has stated Turkey WILL lose the F-35 if they buy the S-400 SAM from Russia.  Turkey says they will go ahead with the S-400 purchase and the other partners in the F-35 program condemn the US actions.  Turkey will take delivery of the S-400 missiles within days.  Oh, Erdogan, what have you done?

HASC wants an independent cost estimate of the F-35.

Watch the cockpit video of an F-35A performing a demo over Miami.  The demo team seems to be changing minds about the F-35.

Another video shows how the F-35 pilot can 'see' through the fuselage of the F-35.

On the way to Italy, four USAF F-35As had to divert to Burlington International Airport.

The 34th Fighter Squadron is relocating to Mountain Home AFB temporarily.

A Luke AFB F-35 might have "accidentally" drawn the first F-35A sky penis.

The USAF is still trying to figure out what paint scheme the 65th AGRS F-35As will use.

USAF F-35As did their first deployment to Germany.

Old technology makes hotpitting the F-35 easier.

The USMC has received its first F-35C meant to fly off the Navy's carriers.

See some beautiful shots of the formation flying of the USMC F-35C with an F/A-18.

A little more on the US Navy deactivation of the Grim Reapers.

A lot of press has come out about the USS Ford and her sisters being unable to fly the F-35C from her decks.  Congress has been unhappy about it.  Turns out NONE of the USN's carriers - Nimitz or Ford classes - can accommodate the F-35C without significant upgrades that have not yet been done.

Rumors have it the US Navy will field an F-35C demo team in the 2020 airshow season.

Auto GCAS testing will be completed on the F-35C this month.

Australia's F-35s are expected to have IOC in December 2020.

British F-35s have gone into combat for the first time in Syria.

British, American and Israeli F-35s exercised together.

British, American and Italian F-35s exercised together.

Canada has tweaked the rules for competitors for its fighter acquisition that will allow the F-35 to compete.

Was an Iranian general fired for hiding Israeli F-35s having penetrated Iranian airspace multiple times with impunity?  Or is this more rumor nonsense?

According to Iran, Israeli F-35Is were rehearsing strikes against Iran.

Israeli F-35s exercised with other Israeli aircraft for the first time.

The second Italian F-35B being flown in VSTOL testing.

Italian F-35s participated in JS15, the largest exercise in Italy.

Italian and American F-35s were integrated using MADL during the Astral Knight exercise.

Italy's Valore Tricore 2019 has the F-35 front and center.

Japan will be buying at least 105 F-35s: 63 A models and 42 B models.

The JS Izumo will visit Vietnam for the second time.  BAe thinks they are in a good position to do the upgrades to make the JS Izumo into the F-35B carrier.

Japan has officially ended the search for the downed F-35A.  The pilot's remains have apparently been found.  Japan thinks the probable cause for the crash was pilot disorientation.  The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated the pilot may have ignored his instruments.

Japan will lift the F-35A grounding soon.

F-35s from the Netherlands did a crazy long mission.

Norwegian group crew are working on USAF F-35s at Orland.

Poland has sent a formal letter to start the chain of events to allow them to buy 32 F-35As.  Trump showed off the fighter to the president of Poland.

Did Russia jam GPS to try to prevent Israel from bombing Iran with its F-35s?

The Swiss are evaluating the F-35.

Cubic will provide the video datalink for the F-35.

Lockheed thinks demand from the Middle East could boost total F-35 production numbers to 4600.

Lockheed thinks it will sell 500 F-35As to Europe.

Lockheed is exploring the development of drop tanks for the F-35.

Lockheed is juggling upgrades with fixes on the F-35.

Lockhheed claims to be working hard to reduce the F-35 costs all around.

Lockheed and the DOD are looking at expanding the F-35 upgrade plan.

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