Saturday, December 28, 2019

Stealth Saga #56

6th Generation Fighters:

Leonardo has developed new radar tech for the Tempest.

Airbus wants to absorb the British Tempest project into FCAS.

The US Navy is still mulling over the 6th gen planes.  It is unsure if the next gen fighter will actually fly from its carrier decks.

The USAF NGAD received almost $1B.

The Navy's FA-XX/Next Gen Fighter had its funding slashed.

The Japanese unveiled its latest version of the Next Generation Fighter.  It is far, far bigger than the F-22.


(again) the KF-X will get the Meteor missile.


Turkey says Britain has agreed to accelerate the TFX program.


The Chinese are developing a 5th gen fighter for the new carrier decks, probably derived from the FC-31/J-31.


Is this missile intended for the side bay of the Su-57?

An Su-57 has flown 16 times with the new engine.  Testing continues.

The Su-57 supposedly was redeployed to Syria for testing.

An Su-57 crashed.  It was the first serial production aircraft.  This is a serious blow to the Russian efforts.

A report claims the Algerians are buying 14 Su-57s.  Or not.


The contract for the B-21 has been structured to allow for buying more B-21s, faster, should the need arise without renegotiating.

An Australian think tank proposed buying B-21 bombers from the US.  There is little chance of that.


video of an F-117 at the Reagan library makes for interesting observations.

An F-117 has been spotted acting as a stealthy aggressor against F-15s and F-22s at Nellis AFB.


The saga of the first stealth cruise missile.


Congress may have just cancelled the conventionally armed stealthy LRSO cruise missile.


Lockheed got a $7B contract for F-22 sustainment.


Congress has blocked the creation of an F-35A aggressor squadron.

Congress approved the buy of 62 F-35As, 16 F-35Bs and

JSOW integration was days away.

F-35 deliveries were halted for quality control issues.

F-35s can call for artillery fire to suppress air defenses if necessary.

The 588th FW's F-35s are headed back to the Middle East for another combat deployment.

Outgoing F-35A demo pilot "Dojo" gets interviewed.

Hill AFB is getting its last F-35As.

The F-35B sporting USS America reaches Japan.

Congress has told the USN to get the USS Kennedy, the newest carrier, ready for the F-35C immediately.

Lockheed has been given contract to deliver 15 F-35As to Australia.

Australia has approved procuring 24 more F-35.

British F-35Bs have launched from the HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Denmark wants more F-35s.

Lockheed is pressing for 75 F-35Is to be sold to Israel.

Lockheed is working on an Israel F-35I specific upgrade.

South Korea has declared IOC for its F-35As.

Lockheed has been given the first contracts for long lead items for the full rate production of the F-35A and for special tooling for the F-35.

Pratt & Whitney just got a $500M contract mod for the F135 engine for the F-35 and another, smaller $50-odd million contract for the engine as well.

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