Saturday, January 04, 2020

Terminator Times #67

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones):

A USAF Reaper overflew the Aviation Nation gathering.

The USMC's MUX UAV is now a EW asset and is being shaped by integration with naval aviation.

The US Navy needs unmanned ISR, tankers for its carriers to counter Russia and China.

The US Navy needs to replace its ScanEagles to fight China.

The US Navy has bought 3 more MQ-4C Tritons.

The Brazilians detail their ScanEagle acquisition.

France gave Lockheed a contract to support its Reapers.

NATO finally got its Global Hawk.

Russia's Forpost-R will have two Russians sensors on it.

Russia is looking to deploy its UAVs in Kyrgyzstan.  

South Korea's first RQ-4B Global Hawk finally arrived.

The Spanish Air Force received its first Predators.

Tunisia is buying AeroVironment's UAVs.

Turkey's gun toting quad copters get profiled again.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (Bolos, and Ogres and Terminators, oh my):

Russia unveiled its updated Marker UGV.


The US Navy is looking to slash its total manned ships in favor of pushing its unmanned capabilities.

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