Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Baby's First Words...sorta

Baby Baird is babbling. In that, she's much like her old man[1]. She has twice made noises that are suspiciously like words.

The first time my wife and I were just talking while Lyuda breast fed the lil ceca sucker. Avrora's head popped off the teet as she occasionally does and she blurted out, "Ooom Boyz." We were so stunned that we didn't know what to say. We gawked for a whole two minutes as she went back to eating quite happily. I later quipped that I will be doubly worried since her first words were something about boys[2] less than three months. Boggle.

The second time around my wife and I were discussing her family and the problems they are having and what, if anything we could do: Ukraine's a messy, problematic place. Avrora popped off her dinner source, and said, "Babuhka". That's suspiciously close to babushka...or grandmother. We were stunned again.

We realize that Avrora's not really talking. She's 'just' making noises and vocalizing. It's just that these noises sound like words. Words in two different languages that inhabit our home. They won't count as words until she can use and understand what they mean. We'll get there...just not quite yet. She's a wee bit young. ;)

1. Yikes! I just called myself, what?

2. Unfortunately, since I made that joke I've been worried about it a lot. My wife doesn't quite grasp my feeling on the subject of teenagers and daating. She never went through the hellacious dating scene in high school. Additionally, she always had men chasing her (for uber gut reason). I, on the other hand, was in the Untouchable Caste (wrt to girls) until I was almost 18. Then after that it wasn't so much of a problem...but those years made their mark. Still the Ukrainian high school equivalent and American high school are rather different beasts. Esp in the social order of things.

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