Friday, June 10, 2005

Finished _Singularity Sky_

I was planning on reviewing the book during lunch here, but I accidently left the book at home. There are some things I wanted to quote rather than simply recite from memory so that I could get them right. I have been known to misremember things at times and I didn't want to do that here.

I can say that I rather enjoyed the book. It did something that I've been wanting for some time. The future felt like The FUTURE rather than a tacked on bit of tech in the present day. He captured that sense. It was great. Well done, Charlie.

There are some things I rather didn't like. That's fine for when it comes to the meaning of $TECH or some such. However, there are some problems with the way the story was told that I didn't care for. When I get the book at home, if I have time this weekend, I'll write my review with quotes so I can keep everything straight.

I am now thinking whether or not I will read The Pentagon's New Map, AI for Game Developers, or Centauri Dreams next. I do need to put up a post on my thoughts on Gregory Benford's Tides of Light and the rest of the Galactic Center series.

I have to think up what I am going to purchase next month for books. I am almost out of books to read and the month is only a third done. I've been reading at a faster pace again and this will prolly consume the remaining three books by month's end. I have to remember its my wife's birthday though next month, so we might have to do that first...

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