Friday, June 17, 2005

Quick Thoughts

Okie! I was more than a little busy yesterday. I was working on finishing the cluster file system paper (it's ready for it's first reaming,a hem, review except for the section on the unique capabilities of the file systems. Oh, I better say what its on better than this? I did a comparison of cluster file systems that can share teh same disks between Linux machines and AIX machines. This boiled down to IBM's GPFS 2.3, ADIC's SNFS 2.5, and IBM's SFS 2.2 (aka StorageTank). There was a lot of comparison between the three. However, the one section that remains to be written is the unique capabilities section. The problem is that SFS has a lot of things different than normal for a file system. In fact, this thing when its mature is gonna just plain rock. However, maturity is a couple more years from now at least. This is my second paper. The first one was my 'trials and tribulations' paper on getting GPFS 2.2 to share a single instance of storage (aka disks) between Linux and AIX boxes.

That was half of the day. The latter half. The earlier half was spent entertaining my daughter in the dentist's office. Why? Because my wife had Yet Another Dentist Appointment. If I ever meet a Ukrainian dentist, they better have plate mail and kelvar on. The work they did for my wife when she was young is plain old fashion shit. No worse than that. Now we're paying for it. The end is in sight though. Hopefully by the end of the month we'll have done all the work that's gotta get done short of whitening. All I can say is that I am delighted that we have dental insurance. This wouldn't have been possible at all if we didn't. There's been damned serious work done in there. The cost has already been staggering without insurance...*horrified look*

I also started an email exchange with an architect. The intent is to find out if there's someone willing to work on the design with me for the house. I know at times I can be a PITA. For a house, I betcha I'd be a royal PITA. That's a crap load of dinero. I don't want to see it get flushed down the toilet...or creek as it may be. I dragged out all of my architecture books last night and plopped them down in front of my wife. I told her that I really wanted her input on the house and that she needed to do a bit of crawling through the styles and such to pick out details she likes (or doesn't). She agreed. She's always told me that she loves what I come up with her input, but I really don't want to have her unhappy that she didn't get any input at all for the house after we live there.

Also at work, I proposed that NERSC (where I work) do an application for StorCloud @ SC05 rather than just set up the file systems for other groups. I want to do soem real science on the floor of SC05 using a centralized file system. The work would require different machines: one for preprocessing, another for the simulation, another for postprocessing and finally for visualization and analytics. All done on the floor of SC05. I proposed four different groups that I could work with. The one I am really hoping for is the climate folks. I proposed it a little while back and got backing from my boss for it. His boss and the top dog of SC05 hasn't voted up nor down on it yet. :S

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