Friday, July 22, 2005

Reading update

Okay! I made it through the building book. The one thing that it did impress on me was the need for a very specially crafted and detailed timeline for the construction phase. The critical path makes me a bit nervous. I have a sinking feeling that I am not going to be doing the general contracting this time out. Bummer, but true. I really don't have a lot of experience in construction, but I do have some. I helped remodel our home growing up and done some other more minor work. Those included foundation, framing, insulation, painting, drywall, and some electrical work. That last I have a lot of experience at. Though not for construction.

At any rate, I have started Baxter's Ring. Interesting. I'm only on page 30 though. We'll see how well it ages from start to finish. I do have a gripe already though. Magitech nanobots irritate me.

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