Monday, August 29, 2005

BSG The Continued Enjoyment

I really like this show. It's got a pacing that's pretty unique. Camp is not something that even is hinted at. Some of the reactions are damned good. There was one that threw me off a bit, but...


You were warned, k?

I wasn't too pleased about the simple patching up between Roslin (who was deposed by Adama) and Adama. I realize that Adama had more than a few life twists since that coup and Roslin sees herself as a prophetess. Even so, it's the first time that I felt a bit cheated. If not for as good as the rest of the story was I would have been ticked.

Personal theory about Kobol, the 13 Tribes, and Earth. Kobol was settled from Earth by exiles from Earth. Either those are people that lost a war with AIs or AIs that lost a war with people. I like that latter. The exiles ended up producing their own war that fractured the people into 13 tribes. The 12 went one way and the 13th went back following the old legends of Earth....the Earth of our future.

After all, all of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

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