Friday, August 12, 2005

Federalism Emerges As Deal-Breaker in Iraq

Angry over Shiite calls for regional governments, preachers in many Sunni mosques urged their followers Friday to register and vote in the October constitutional referendum — but against the charter if it includes measures to "divide the country" through federalism.

I guess I don't get it why this would be a deal breaker. What's tthe problem with federalism? It would allow for the Sunnis to run their section as they see fit. It would allow the Shiites to do the same. Ditto for the Kurds. I'd hope that Baghdad would be the federal disctrict like DC is here in the US.

The only problem that I can see with federalism is that it prevents an authoratarian regime from arising so easily. This is bad in what way? Guess for those that have those asperations, s'pose...

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