Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I killed a bird...a report on my first anniversary

My first anniversary was an interesting experience. I took my wife up to Crater Lake. We stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast at the northern edge of Klamath Lake (or here). She'd never seen anything like Crater Lake before and was gosh-wowed. She was amazed at all the volcano-corpses (or zombies as they might be) that were all around us. She grew up in Ukraine so there's little of this sort of thing there and volcanoes are something rare, beauitful, and frightening. I grew up in Los Alamos, NM so I have a slightly different view since we were perched on the edge of the second largest caldera in the world! We also did some canoing (the first time for my wife and daughter) as well.

Unfortunately, on the way back we were zipping along at waaay too fast following a minivan driver from Cali since I was due to fly down to San Diego on Monday at 6 am, when a bird flew down and misjudged the speed we were doing. It was trying to take advantage that the car pushes air up and over to catch a lot of bugs. It misjudged and hit the windshield. The speed were going and the splotch left behind was a little depressing and almost assuredly killed the poor bird. :S

I'd say killing a bird like that is bad luck. However, without realizing it, my wife and I were married on the anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Even though I'm not one to feel guilt over the bombing, that can't be a lucky day...

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