Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Poland in a pickle

Just as it is about to face both presidential and parliamentary elections, Poland has become embroiled in diplomatic disputes on two fronts, one with Belarus and a second with the Russian Federation. Despite its pleas to the European Union and the US for support, both Brussels and Washington have been reluctant to become actively involved and risk antagonising Moscow.

Read here.

The Poles have issues right now with the Russians and Belarusians. Both Russia and Belarus were already less than friendly with Poland already over the whole Orange Revolution in Ukraine (Poles supported the winning side that opposed the xUSSR states' candidate). Now with this...

The Russians had some kids of their diploamts mugged in Poland. In Russia then a Polish diplomat was killed. The Russians have been calling the mugging an 'unfriendly act' which is pretty serious in diplomatic speak. The Poles have a problem with Belarus over a group that is there to protect the rights of the Polish minority there. Belarus has been cracking down on all forms of dissent and the pro Polish group is considered one of them. It might even be a bit of petty 'payback' for the Orange Revolution.

It might be more complicated than it appears, but it does seem that way yet.

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