Monday, August 15, 2005

Sailing Bright Eternity Finished

I finished this book. Man! All I can say is what a stinker! I have no idea what Benford was thinking in writing this one. There were far too many tangentals in this book to be worthwhile. There were far more things that came out of nowhere that were not even hinted at in the previous books. Trigger Codes? Talk about Deus Ex the literal sense.

There were some of the divergences that just didn't make sense. The Induction ship just bored me and I almost set the whole book down to walk away. Interesting idea? Possibly. Belongs here. Nope. It felt purely like filler. Badly written, dully plotted, and completely uninteresting filler. It was like he really felt that he wanted to finish the series in the previous book, but felt he couldn't so he had to make up a lotta crap to fill the page count. You could have written the account of teh recovery of Abraham instead by Quath et al of the Myraipodia, but noooooo...gah.

Shame on you, Benford. No cookie for you.

Avoid this book, people!


I started reading the construction book. Completely antiseptic. It's purely technical. It'll make for a great mental rinse after that last one. After this will come a Friedman's latest.

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