Monday, August 22, 2005

This weekend

We went to two parties. The first one was on Saturday and for a friend of Lyuda's out in Pittsburg. More properly, it was for her friend's daughter's first birthday. We ahd a good time. The funny part (to me) was that more than half the people there were speaking Russian...and they were mostly the wives. They were an eclectic batch of people, esp the husbands. Some had met their wives here. Some were met via various agencies. Some were people who'd been to the xUSSR and met someone there while visiting and were mutually bowled over. The men were interesting. One was a plumber. One was a policeman. One was a highway engineer. Another couple were software engineers. Then there was me. I was either the second youngest or youngest one there: the one Russian man there might be a bit younger. The women were almost all younger than I am though which was interesting. When we left, I joked with Lyuda that we'd just been to the Russian Wives Club. We had a good time and the only picture with anyone from our family in it has me...not Avrora or my wife. That's gonna really annoy my wife. The couple's daughter turned 1 is an interesting one. He's Chinese, but an American citizen (an immigrant) and she's Russian (also an immigrant). Their daughter is rather cute. We stuck around here until about 5ish.

The second party wee went to was a BBQ picnic on Sunday at a park in Richmond, CA. Where the first one had been the Russian Wives Club, this one was the Asian Wives Club. Well, not really, but there was a lot of that. It was done by a couple where the husband was German and his wife was Chinese. A lot of the people there were Asian (mostly Chinese), but almost all the wives were. There was a German wife (I think) and a Ukrainian one (mine), but the rest were asian. There were a lot of cute kids running around. The food was quite good. One of my friends from work was one of the BBQers. We stuck around until 4ish. Then laundry called.

It was a rather active weekend, I'd say. We had a good time and it kept my wife feeling good since she got to be social (she's extremely social where as I am fully equipped social skills wise, but I can take or leave being around people).

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